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A Better Understanding-Scientific Literacy Skills



Often we forget the importance of understanding scientific words or terminology. By knowing the meaning of what we read, we become better learners. 

In this activity, we will be annotating and analysing work done by Dr. Prue Francis who is a Marine Biologist (Studies organisms in the ocean).

From her research on a specific species of seaweed, Dr Francis produced a research article titled: 'Dispersal of Hormosira Banksii via detached fragments: Reproductive Viability and Longevity'.

First as a class you will look at all the subheadings in the printout of the research article. Locate the following subheadings and highlight them:

  1. Methods and materials

  2. Results

  3. Discussion

Once you have highlighted the labelled the subheadings, find the missing ones.

  • Can you identify the Background, Introduction and Conclusion?

TASK 1: Identifying and Annotating Key Parts of Research Article

A real life scientist, Dr. Prue Francis, in the field doing what scientists do!


Hormosira Banksii: Species of seaweed

Big Wave

TASK 2: Breaking Down the Background, Introduction, Materials and Methods Sections

This task involves reading and understanding. While you are looking at the text try to illustrate in your mind what the scientist is describing.

Use the print-out to answer the questions. 

What is the organism that is being investigated in this paper? Give the scientific name.


What is the aim of Dr. Francis' research she is conducting? Hint: It can be found in the introduction.


Describe the method/s she used to gather data (how did she collect specimens?): Hint: Look in the 'materials and method' section.

In what form did Dr. Francis record her observations of the seaweed?



In the results section, we see some different illustrations of data. Identify the types of graphs that were used to show the results. Do you think they help you understand the results better?



Read the 'Discussion' section. Explain whether she met her aim for the research and describe how she interpreted her results:




Task 3: Class Discussion!

  1. Science is all about constant improvement and innovation. In what ways do you think Dr. Francis' method could be improved on?

  2. What did you like most about the research article?

  3. What did you like least about the research article?

  4. Do you think conducting research similar to Dr. Francis' is possible for you?

  5. Now that you have read and analysed real life scientific literature, have your opinions on scientists changed? Explain.


MORE Hormosira Banksii!

Click the link below to open the Table of Key Terms document.

Here you will find important terms to remember in your mental dictionary of scientific terms. 

You will write each term down, along with their meaning. Attempt to write your definition in your own words from your own understanding. 

Knowing these terms are important in order to understand the language of science!

Table of Key Terms Task

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